Category Archives: Uncategorized

Re-Boot the Basics – WRITING

by Sheila Askov

Please add SPONTANEOUS WRITING to your Bucket List.

This exercise has a couple of harmless-sounding rules:

  • You must keep writing for 10 minutes without stopping, even if all you can think of to write is how much you hate this exercise.
  • You’re not allowed to cross out or correct anything that flows from your pen.

When I started writing I discovered my internal ‘censor’ kept my pen from actually scratching out my truth. I’m not sure what caused me to break into a sweat, but my discomfort was real and according to my blood pressure…measurable.

It must have something to do with my childhood training, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”, combined with the current ‘politically correct’ climate permeating society. I was shocked at the magnitude of my ‘need to please’. I imprisoned myself with impossible expectations. There’s nothing I can write about without offending someone. Statistically…many will ‘beg to differ’.

The growing pains are worth it.

Today, I love the freedom of spontaneous writing. It’s my 10 minutes, my feelings, and my opportunity to vent.  Afterwards I can tear it up, shred it, read it to my family, or if an impressive nugget of wisdom happens to sneak out…I can find a way to share it with a little bit of the world.

You have a lifetime of experiences locked inside of you just begging to have a voice.  You WILL be surprised at what flows from your pen occasionally. Ultimately…you matter, you can heal, and your journey can help the world.



by Sheila Askov

They create specific proof of the important 4 W’s: Where, When, What, and sometimes Why.

Credit card and bank statements alone are not sufficient proof in the event of an audit.

For example: A credit card charge on a business account at a big box store may show total charges of $4,000 and subsequent payment.  Making the payment from your business account is not enough.  Only the original receipt will provide enough details to satisfy the IRS.

In this same case, if you purchased items for multiple properties, uses, or projects, each of these details must be documented on the original receipt.

Buy your personal items separately. It’s much easier to track and justify business expenses when the items are used for business purposes only with the 4 W’s noted on the original receipt.

Your modus operandi can be a significant factor during an audit.

Keep it simple…Keep it separate…but KEEP THE RECEIPT!

Re-Boot Your Brain…READ

By Sheila Askov

Is your brain bored with your thinking & conclusions? Maybe it’s a case of ‘garbage in’…’garbage out’.

Choose to read something unexpected.
Maybe…it will anger you & incite you to action.
Maybe…the science in ‘The Shark’s Paintbrush’ exploring BIOMIMICRY for natural global solutions will get your creative juices flowing.
Maybe…you’ll re-read a self-help book again, because you’re actually ready to do the work this time.

Don’t shy away from fiction. Your own imagination determines the cast of characters.

Note to self: Scanning phone text does not qualify as “reading”.

Curling up with a good book IS pampering you. I’ve seen someone curl up to a cute Kindle, but it just doesn’t seem the same somehow. Do whatever makes it possible to enjoy your own ‘Great Escape‘.

Remember…the real magic begins when the personal odyssey opens windows inside us.


By Sheila Askov – for TBC’s 25th anniversaryGettysburg Distorted pic

One score & five years ago these three mothers brought forth on this nation a new business, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the reality that all paperwork is NOT created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great paperwork war, testing whether this family-owned business, or any small business so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of technology in that war.

We hereby highly resolve that all of this confusion will not have occurred in vane – that this business, under God, shall provide a new birth of clarity & support – until the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall be restored upon the earth.


According to Sheila…

If The Planets Can Do It – So Can You

We witnessed 5 planets in alignment a couple weeks ago. Its rarity made it a newsworthy event.

I started thinking about the power of alignment. For instance, alignment gives a huge advantage in performance. That’s the reason no one buys a new set of tires without making sure they’re aligned before driving off the lot.

What would happen in your life or business if only 5 of your virtues or strengths were in perfect alignment?

Jot down the first things that come to mind. If you’re drawing a blank…visit The 52 Virtues Project at You’ll quickly recognize you possess more ‘good stuff’ than you thought.

Plug in your passion & require your own alignment.

But be prepared…you might create another newsworthy event!

According to Sheila…

‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ – only FOR THE BIRDS

As an outside observer, it’s obvious to me that ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ is “strictly for the birds”.

It began when 1 precious Partridge parked itself in a pear tree, enjoying the morning solitude.
2 Turtle Doves flying past decided to join her. 3 French Hens strutted by beneath the trio.
“Great tree,” clucked one of the hens. “Let’s get the 4 Calling Birds to spread the word.”

The 8 Maids-a- Milking over by the barn were not concerned until they heard an awful racket. Running to see what happened they discovered 6 of their most reliable Geese had given birth to 5 Golden Rings.

The 7 Swans in the pond came closer, observed the mayhem, & chose to just keep swimming.

Meanwhile back at the manor, the humans who’d partied all night were interrupted by several of the milking maids announcing the miracle of the golden rings.

Devoid of healthy curiosity, 10 of the Lords began leaping with joy & demanded that 9 of the Ladies begin dancing immediately. Only 11 of the Pipers & 12 of the Drummers were still awake after the all-night festivities.

To this day, no one knows for sure if Geese waddled & honked loudly before this event.

Conclusion: People, please party within your own traditions.
‘The 12 Days of Christmas’ really is STRICTLY FOR THE BIRDS!